…suspect finally indicted for trial

Zvikomborero Parafini 

The suspect in the murder at Afro 161 in Harare in June last year was yesterday indicted for trial at the High Court.

Calisto Murawo appeared before Harare magistrate, Dennis Mangosi, who advised him that his murder trial will be between May 20-22 at the High Court.

The court heard that on June 24, Murawo approached the now deceased, David Matambo, and his wife Zinzi Musonza in the car park.

He alleged that Muzonza had bumped his car into another vehicle in the car park.

Matambo is said to have gone out of the car to check the damaged car.

While he was in the process of checking, claims the State, Murawo punched him on the mouth with his hand which had a knuckle duster on.

Matambo collapsed.

Murawo allegedly started kicking Matambo on the head before he stamped him on the neck.

Murawo briefly stopped, walked away and then returned and kicked him on the head again. 

According to the State, after committing the offence, Murawo fled from the scene in his car, which he dumped in Cranborne together with his phone.

He then fled to an unknown destination but was later arrested.

Thomas Chanakira appeared for the State.

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