Curtworth Masango

THOUSANDS of students attended the ZAOGA FIF Ministry’s four-day conference for university undergraduates held at AMFCC, which ended on Sunday.

Thirteen Zimbabwean universities, and one from Zambia, were represented, with the aim of winning souls through focusing on peers.

The conference was attended by business and social development speakers and included discussions on legal, health and financial aspects.

Apostle Atoria Gudyanga, who hosted the event, said that they are implementing the vision of the late ZAOGA founder, Archbishop Ezekiel Gutu, whose vision was to have a disciplined nation and produce leaders in various professions who fear God.

“This is one of the most powerful ministries, the ministry of university graduates’ fellowship. 

“The idea is to win souls by focusing on peers, which is the purpose of Jesus Christ to win souls,” said Dr Gudyanga.

“It is easier for a learned person to win another learned person and that’s the whole essence; to fulfil the purpose of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus

“Visionary Archbishop Guti taught us that all Government ministers are products of society. 

“They were not born in parliament, therefore, the church has to have a vision of disciplining the nation and producing leaders like doctors, lawyers and other educated professionals.”

One of the guest speakers, businessman Vincent Chawonza, spoke on self-development and urged the students to develop their lives, especially when they are still young, by making wise decisions.

“Good planning is key, you have to change your ways of doing things if you are to be a successful individual,” he said.

“There is what is called structural functionalism in life where someone has to be a teacher, someone a doctor, someone a lawyer and someone a maid.

“We can’t all be one thing, but it is you who chose a place that fits you best and it will determine what you will be in life and your financial freedom.

“We urge you not to be flashy without substance. You can’t own the latest version of an iPhone while you use public transport. 

“That’s not it, accept transitional growth,” he said.

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