Latwell Nyangu and Talent Gore
MEDIA organisations have been called upon to ensure gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
Women in News director for Africa, Jane Godia, suggested increasing the number of female news sources and examining the fields in which women commonly work.
Godia called for more diversity in media organisations, with greater inclusion of disabled and older people, as well as those from different ethnic backgrounds or with different beliefs.
“We are looking at ways in which we can change attitudes, perceptions and ensure that our media organisations portray stories that are balanced in terms of coverage.
“Look at the number of women versus the number of men as news sources and stories that sell.
“We are also looking at content producers; how do we balance between men and women?
“We are also looking for diversity within our organisations, gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
“How do we treat each other within our organisation, how do we treat people relating to their gender, sexual orientation or their beliefs, religion and ethnicity,” she said.
Godia urged organisations to create spaces that protect the vulnerable.
“Have we created spaces where people don’t feel vulnerable? We know that when we have the minority and they are not given equal space, they feel insecure and vulnerable.
“Women are particularly vulnerable within the media organisation. They are missing in top leadership, in areas that are hard and they are moved more into soft news.
“Our call is that women and men are equal to the task of journalism. They have all gone to school, attained the same degrees and all topics can be covered by women as men.”