Arron Nyamayaro recently in MUREHWA

CHIEF Mangwende has condemned a school headmaster who engaged a sangoma to perform a cleansing ceremony after a satanism scare.

In an exclusive interview with H-Metro, Chief Mangwende, through his clerk Costa Gatsi, said Muchinjike Primary School headmaster, Daniel Mudzamiri, divided the community by bringing a sangoma to the school.

“The headmaster acted in manner that left the community poorer, forced into taking charms against their religion as well as against the education system,” said Chief Mangwende.

“Mudzamiri decided to receive US$40 from parents meant to feed himself and the sangoma he brought to the school.

“His actions have divided the community and left our children without teachers.

“As we speak, Grades 4, 5 and 6 classes, ECD A and B, do not have teachers.

“Their teachers are the ones accused of practicing satanism, which the sangoma failed to prove.”

He added:

“Mudzamiri engaged a sangoma he had earlier consulted over his daughter.

“He claimed the daughter was delivered but we were shocked to see the same person being affected by the so-called satanism spirit.”

“It would have been better for officials from Education Ministry to remove Mudzamiri from the school and leave teachers doing their job.

ZvaMudzamiri hazvizi zvebasa izvo asi kutorera vabereki mari dzavanowana nekutamburira.”

Chief Mangwende said his traditional court was not there to accuse people of witchcraft but promote peace and fine those who cause divisions.

“Mudzamiri takamubhadharisa mombe imwechete yeripa deputy headmaster wake waakabvuma kuti akamutumira muphone make kuti ZIMUROYI.

Takamuripisazve mbudzi nhatu dzekutaura mashoko akadaro.

“He was supposed to pay by April 13 but he pleaded for a postponement saying his child was sick.

“We moved the last payment date to May 8 and he is yet to pay the fine.

“This could have forced him to look for a sangoma to accuse his teachers of satanism.

“Such actions have cost our children’s education and division among villagers.”

Parents who paid US$40 for the cleansing ceremony saw their children being asked to eat porridge mixed with charms as a way of ‘dealing’ with the satanism.

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