Arron Nyamayaro
GUZHA Township, also known as paChikwanha, has been identified as one of the busiest areas in Chitungwiza, with a high rate of criminal activity, with the crime rate in Zengeza increasing by 17 percent.
Speaking at the opening of a new police base in the area, Officer Commanding Harare province, Commissioner Wonder Tembo, said that the new base would help to improve the speed and efficiency of police response to crime in the area.
He also declared a war on drug dealers and called for an end to crimes such as muggings and car thefts.
“This new impressive building ushers in a stint of relief to the local people who had to travel long distances to seek police services.
“Today, our ZRP dream of bringing police services to your doorsteps has been fulfilled, thanks to the Crime Liaison Committee (CLC) for making it possible.
“And, there is no doubt that our response to your various crime problems will now be quicker and better than before.
“Needless to say, Guzha Township is one of the busiest areas in Chitungwiza which would definitely need increased security.
“Our pledge is therefore to give you support by providing as many police officers as possible for a seamless service,” Comm Tembo said.
He noted with concern that crime figures for Zengeza from January to August this year totalled 2 792 compared to 2 383 during the same period last year.
This is an increase of 17 percent.
“We thus find the construction of this base a timely and commendable move.
“With this base in place, we are set to witness a tremendous fall in the number of robberies, smash and grabs, general thefts and other crimes which had become a thorn in the flesh for the locals.
“Our statistics reveal numerous reports of local people being waylaid and mugged in the dark by robbers here. After committing the heinous crimes, the criminals flee into the Mayambara area.
“The majority of the victims have been beer drinkers who would be going home late from the local pubs.
“We have also had countless reports of parked cars being broken into and valuables stolen. We continue to urge motorists to be careful where and how they park their cars,” he said.
Comm Tembo also touched on their ongoing operation to crack down on errant motorists.
“The message must be clear that we do not want pirating or mishikashika, dangerous parking and the use of unroadworthy vehicles on the roads.”