Clean Green Zimbabwe launched

Tanaka Mahanya

THE Clean Green Zimbabwe (CGZ) initiative has been launched by the Government in partnership with UNICEF to protect the rights of children in the country and their communities to clean air, safe water and a secure environment. 

The initiative aims to improve sustainable infrastructure, including renewable energy and integrated waste management, skills and knowledge and services in communities, schools and urban areas. 

All children in Zimbabwe are currently at risk of the impacts of environmental and climate hazards, with flooding, drought, cyclones, heatwaves and air pollution among the dangers.

In a statement, UNICEF said every child in Zimbabwe (43 percent of the population or 6.6 million children under 18) is exposed to at least one climate or environmental hazard and at risk of climate change impacts. 

 “These include flooding, drought, heatwaves, cyclones, and air pollution, yet are the least responsible. 

“Urgent action is required to reduce the impacts of climate, energy, and environmental crisis on children, allowing them to realise their potential and fulfil their rights. 

“CGZ is an initiative meant to strengthen resilience to climate shocks by harnessing the power of children and young people as environmental stewards and change agents in communities and schools, while providing climate resilient services to allow them to survive, thrive and live in a safe and clean environment.” 

The initiative is premised on three pillars. 

“The first one is clean green schools with climate resilient infrastructure and services, skills and knowledge enabling young people to address climate change today and tomorrow.

“There will be clean Green Communities inspired with healthy forests and environment for climate resilient nutrition, health, WASH, education services using renewable energy, energy efficient practices and integrated waste management.

“Also, clean green urban spaces sustained for connecting people to a healthy environment.”

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