Talent Gore
THE Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) has called for swift action to address water pollution in Lake Chivero, which it argues is a man-made problem that has been ignored for too long.
The lake has been badly impacted by pollutants from industry, and partly treated and raw sewage from non-functional sewer systems.
CHRA has called for the upgrading of the sewer treatment plants and a fiscal commitment from the Harare City Council, while the Environmental Management Agency must monitor sources of pollution.
“We call for an urgent intervention that seeks to address the water pollution and repair of non-functional sewer reticulation on systems which include upgrading of the Crowborough and Firle Sewer reticulation plants, and we expect a fiscal commitment from the local authority on this pertinent matter.
“The bad raw water quality at Lake Chivero is not only a health hazard, but an ecological disaster in the making which requires serious attention from the City of Harare, Upper Manyame Sub Catchment Council and the Environmental Management Authority.
“The pollution at Lake Chivero has seen astronomical water purification costs hovering around US$3 million per month for water treatment and other costs.
“The Environmental Management Agency must conduct intense surveillance and monitor sources of water pollution and ensure polluters pay the costs of decontaminating the water source,” said the residents’ body.
Meanwhile, Harare residents have been advised to boil water and use chlorine tablets before use.