Mangaliso Kabulika

Do What You Do Best (DWYDB) is set to hot a talent show on Saturday to raise awareness about drug and substance abuse in Mbare.

The event dubbed ‘Do What You Do Best’ is set to target young people aged beween 8-28 years.

Co-founder of DWYDB, Morerest Rukunda, said the show aims to promote the youth through talent showcasing as well as to capture them to listen to the drug and substance abuse message.

“This event will cater for everyone, whether school going, unemployed or employed for drug abuse affects everyone and requires a collective effort to eradicate it.

“This will also be a platform for those who have talent in dance, poetry, music and acting to showcase their skills and gain exposure and sponsorship.

“There is no better to capture the youths to listen to the drug and substance abuse message rather than through offering what they love the most.

“We saw it fit that while they are having fun, and interacting, we can easily influence a huge number of them who in turn we are hoping will spread the message across Mbare and perhaps other surrounding areas,” said Morerest.

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