Editorial comment: Let’s start first term with no hiccups

The start of every school year marks a new beginning, a fresh start where students are given the opportunity to learn and grow. 

It is imperative that every child has a school uniform and the necessary books required for their studies. Unfortunately, there are still many families who struggle to provide these basic necessities for their children. As we begin the new school year, it is important to create an emphasis on the importance of providing these essentials for our children.

First and foremost, a full school uniform is crucial for the success of our children’s education. Not only does it instill a sense of pride and belonging in the child, but it is a symbol of the school and a sign of respect for both the school and the educational process itself. It also serves as a leveler, ensuring that all students are on equal footing and eliminating the potential for any form of discrimination.

Last year, some Form One students at Girls High School in Harare went for the first few days wearing their primary school uniforms.

This was after the school authorities failed to provide uniforms on time to all new students despite parents having paid in full for them.

The uniform supplier failed to provide the uniforms.

Not having adequate textbooks and study materials can also seriously hinder a child’s education. The purpose of schooling is to impart knowledge and equip children with the tools to become productive members of society. Without a full range of necessary books and materials, children will struggle in their studies, which can have lasting effects on their overall academic performance. This is especially true in subjects such as mathematics and science where building foundational knowledge is crucial. It is, therefore, imperative that every child has access to all the necessary resources to facilitate their learning.

It is the responsibility of parents, guardians, and the community at large to ensure that children have full school uniforms and all the necessary books required for their studies. Parents should take their role in providing for their children very seriously, and they should prioritise purchasing uniforms and books over other discretionary spending. The cost of education must be seen as an investment in the future of our children, the community, and ultimately our country as a whole. Stakeholders should come together to support those in need, and work together to eliminate barriers to education.

It is not only the responsibility of parents and guardians to provide for their children, but also the responsibility of school authorities to create awareness and provide support. Schools must work closely with families to highlight the importance of uniforms and school supplies as part of the education process, to provide lists of all necessary books and materials, and to help parents access them. This could include working with suppliers to bring the costs down, setting up school book banks or liaising with local businesses, and community organisations to see if they can provide support.

The start of the new school year provides an opportunity to come together as a community and support our children. It is a time to reinforce the importance of education and to ensure that every child has access to the tools they need to succeed. It is incumbent on all of us, parents, guardians, school authorities and the wider community, to work together, to build partnerships, to provide support, and to make our children’s education a top priority.

As we start the new school year, let us remember the importance of creating a supportive environment that prioritises the education of our children. By doing so, we are not only investing in the future of our children but also of our country as a whole.

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