EDITORIAL : Prophet, aide behaving badly

EMBATTLED church leader Prophet Evidence Chari’s violent conduct has tainted his name as a man of God.

Even his aides appear to also have lost their way.

One of his aides, only identified as Ropafadzo, grabbed headlines at the weekend for attacking our court reporter, Zvikomborero Parafini.

She was irked by the fact that Parafini was filming the arrival of Prophet Chari at court on Friday.

Parafini was simply doing her job when she was attacked by Ropafadzo.

Prophet Chari is facing assault charges after he was involved in an altercation with Prophetess Haddasah Caroline.

The fallout between the two parties started after Prophet Chari was involved in a car accident while driving Prophetess Haddash’s car.

Following the road accident, his relationship with the Prophetess turned sour.

We expected Prophet Chari to take full responsibility because that is what leadership is all about.

A man of his status should be able to accept when he gets it wrong and, rather than create all this drama which has followed, he should have found a way to resolve this case quietly.

Instead, reports say Prophet Chari has been bullying Prophetess Haddasah and threatening her with all kinds of violence.

This level of bullying is uncalled for, especially from a man who calls himself a church leader.

And, as we saw on Friday, the violent streak is even filtering in to some of his aides.

It appears the demons are also manifesting in Prophet Chari’s inner circle.

We can only advise him to repent and find Jesus.

It’s never too late for him to seek Jesus and the redemption this could bring in his life and his religious mission.

A true prophet, with God’s calling, should lead by example.

Violence should never be tolerated and should never be used as a way of resolving disputes.

He has soiled his name and Prophet Chari should be ashamed of his behaviour.

We expect him to lead by example and shun violence.

Instead, Prophet Chari and his aide, Ropafadzo, have given an impression that they are not any better than the thugs we see on the streets.

Since the reporter filed a case against Ropafadzo for  the assault, we also expect her to face the music.

She should be used as an example to show others that harassment and assault of journalists is not allowed.

We don’t want people of authority like Prophet Chari to abuse his powers by their violent conduct.

Ropafadzo should be whipped in line for her wild behaviour.

Pophet Chari should also learn from other church leaders who are leading by example.

Church leaders are expected to preach the eternal gospel of unity and love.

We don’t expect them to preach the gospel of violence as is the case with Prophet Chari and his aide Ropafadzo.

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