Internet of Things: Where is the Limit?

Since the dawn of the internet in 1983, we have seen a massive rise in technology, with networks and artificial intelligence all the rage at the moment, sparking debates about how influential they will be when they reach their maximum potential. The same can be said for gadgets, which are optimised by the advancements in technology and the internet.

As we reach the midway stage of 2024, there are over 200 billion devices that are connected to internet networks, with devices that use sensors, processing ability, and a range of software and other technologies fitting into the Internet of Things. But what exactly are we talking about?

According to Amazon’s web services, the term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.

As this online virtual web, almost a hybrid of interconnected devices continues to expand, it feels like we’ve reached something of a crossroads—a junction where innovation meets caution. The Internet of Things arrives with promises of convenience, efficiency, and the best examples of what technology can do. But where do we draw the line?

Read on, as we take a look at how far the Internet of Things can go and make some predictions of key pieces of technology that will leverage the real-time collection and exchange of data. 

Improvements in health 

The rise of social media has led to many influencers and content creators posting their gym routines, running routes, and most importantly, the best tech required to get in shape for the summer vacation. 

Wearables like Fitbits and sports bands have come a long way from counting steps and measuring heart rates, with many able to make phone calls, accept payments, play music via Bluetooth headphones, and even navigate you on your journey. In the near future, you would imagine technology within these watches continues to evolve into a fully-fledged health companion—intuitive and proactive. 

Imagine a wristband that detects subtle changes in your body chemistry, being able to predict injuries before they strike, or when your blood sugar levels are low and you need to change your diet to perform at maximum ability, with IoT able to greatly improve user comfort and save time and money visiting a doctor.

A wider array of devices

The Internet of Things expansion will inevitably mean more and more devices will be used within its network. Smart Things are everyday objects that have levelled up, with everyday items like a television, security camera, or exercise equipment working at advanced levels. 

The future could result in your household items becoming AI parts of the family. Imagine being able to have a couch that adapts to the weather, or a smart fridge with a screen that you could scroll social media or even place bets and gamble on, making the best free spins slots to play even more enjoyable. There is a world of possibilities still open and only time will tell how far things will go.

Any setbacks or issues?

Of course, we all dream of a world that has hovercars and floating houses, but at the moment this is all theoretical, as the Internet of Things has its own setbacks and limitations. The interconnected nature of IoT devices raises plenty of security challenges, and while there are lots of two-step authentication processes in place, your data falling into the wrong hands is a massive issue with things developing. 

As society also begins adapting to an ageing population, where the life expectancy of older people has increased, iOT has a big part to play in making correct predictions when it comes to health, with patients starting to be monitored remotely from a central location. Generative AI has to be used properly to prevent any casualties to patients, with robotic surgical AI presenting a range of ethical questions that will continue to be debated as further innovations are presented. AI implementation in robotic surgery is rapidly expanding and shows no signs of slowing down

Overall, it’s really hard to try and pinpoint just where the limit is for the Internet of Things. Essentially, it’s wherever our imagination takes us. The IoT isn’t just about gadgets; it’s about weaving technology’s magic into the fabric of reality. With houses and entire cities potentially able to be interwoven to design entire cities, it’s a fascinating area to keep an eye on in the coming years. 


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