Arron Nyamayaro

SCORES of elderly women went on a boat cruise at Lake Chivero on Saturday as they celebrated Mothers Day.

The activities were bankrolled by the women’s children.

Some were sponsored by their brothers and others by their grandchildren.

A number of them told H-Metro they were against baby dumping and abortion and commended children who continue supporting their parents.

Among the elderly women was Gogo Kasawaya, 84, of Gokwe.

“Vakuru vakati ura mapoko unozvara mbavha nevaroyi asi ukawana mwana anorangarira kuchengeta vabereki vake akaropafadzwa.

“Ndinotenda vana vangu, vazukuru nevaroora pakundiwanisawo mukana wekufara kwakadai.

“It was a memorable day, I participated in some of the competitions and won a flask set.

“I also got an opportunity to mix and mingle with other elderly women.

“It is evil to abort or dump babies because, among those children, you never know who will support or uplift you,” said Gogo Kasawaya.

Some elderly women won kitchen utensils from the tag of war, netball, dancing and soccer competitions organised by Tilder Foundation.

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