MAN FOOLS COPS THAT HE’S A WOMAN . . . One cop even hired him as a sex worker . . . Clerks at court were also deceived . . . He was busted in a ladies’ toilet at court

Zvikomborero Parafini 

A DARING man, who was masquerading as a woman, even found a way to lure a policeman to hire him for sex and, for some time, managed to deceive the court officials to process his papers as a female suspect.

 He even slept on the same bed with the policeman, who claims he was drunk on the night, without the cop realising that he was in the company of a man.

But, he was not the only one to be fooled.

Court officials booked Melusi Ngwenya, who was using the name Melissa Ngwenya, as a female suspect in a case involving theft.

He was dragged to court for allegedly stealing money from Nqobizitha Williams Bamala, the policeman who hired him for sex, unaware that Melusi was a man.

The mystery even deepens when one considers that Melusi even fooled all the police officers he came into contact with, when he was arrested, with none of them picking out that they were dealing with a man, and not a woman.

He arrived at the Harare Magistrates’ Court wearing a blue-and-white dress and a red-and-white Nike jacket.

He also had a bandana and a small handbag.

Melusi’s luck ran out when he visited the ladies’ toilet at the court and an alert police officer remembered him as a man from a previous case which was heard at the same court. 

This was just a few minutes before he appeared in court.

Bamala, the police officer who had hired him, was shocked to find out that the “woman” he had spent the night with was, in fact, a man.

Melusi appeared before magistrate Gamuchirai Gore, who released him on free bail.

The court heard that on January 20, Bamala hired Melusi as a sex worker for the night and took him to his house at the ZRP Support Unit Camp.

The next morning, Melusi left while Bamala was still asleep and is alleged to have stolen US$200 from his wallet.

Asked how he didn’t notice that Melusi was a man, Bamala said he was drunk and couldn’t remember the events of that night.

He came well dressed for the court appearance in a grey suit and matching shirt.

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