Latwell Nyangu
A SOUTHLEA Park man, who went missing on August 27, has been found dead in the now infamous quarry dam in the same area.
Relatives of Douglas Mupopa have been searching for him since the day he disappeared.
He leaves behind a wife and four children.
His death has raised concerns from the residents in the area calling for authorities to find a solution since most of them use the water for domestic use.
A source said Douglas’ body was found in the dam on Saturday, seven days after he left his matrimonial home.
He was last seen at Candy area.
“He passed through his gogo’s table where she does her business, but he was bleeding.
‘She asked him why he was bleeding, but he told her that he was fell down and got injured.
“She then gave him a cloth to help stop the blood and he left.”
That was the last time he was seen alive.
“His body was then retrieved on Sunday morning. But people still have many questions on what really happened.
‘The relatives are also in shock.
“He was found with the cloth which his gogo gave him to cover the wound. The family is now awaiting a postmortem.”
Residents are concerned about the dam.
“Our main worry is that many people are dying in this dam. I think this dam should be covered so that pashaye anopinda imomo.”
Another resident said:
“We can push kuti dam rivharwe because we use this water but takushandisa mvura ikufira vanhu manje.
“Just check kuti this year alone how many people have thrown themselves into this dam.
“People are using the dam to commit suicide.”