Arron Nyamayaro
A NUMBER of police officers yesterday removed their uniforms, knelt down and observed a minute of silence in memory of colleagues they lost this year.
Led by the Officer Commanding Harare Province, Commissioner Wonder Tembo and District Commanders and members of the Christian Community Police Network, the officers gathered for 2023 Commissioner General of Police’s Christmas Church Service.
They distributed food hampers to widows and orphans.
“With utter pain and sadness, brothers and sisters, Harare Province grieves over fresh wounds of the untimely departure of Sergeant Simbanegavi, Constable Marova and others,” said Comm Tembo.
“We take a moment to reflect on the lives of these and other departed cadres.
“It is their courage, patriotism, sincerity and commitment to the police service that remains vivid in our memories.
“We recognise and appreciate how invaluable they were to their respective families and to the larger society of Zimbabwe.
“They fought a good fight, which inspires and spurs us to do more as individuals and as an organisation.”
Comm Tembo said Harare province has continued to wrestle against armed robberies, theft of motor vehicles, rape and other heinous crimes.
He said the province haa managed to recover a host of firearms held by unlicensed users under the operation code named “Firearms Amnesty”.
“Through God’s guidance, we have also been able to bust a number of criminal syndicates terrorising our communities.”
Among the guests were various church leaders, who included Apostle Benjamin Murata of New Life Pentecostal church, Bishop Tsungayi Chinyama of Assemblies of God Church and chairperson of Christian Community Police Network, Overseer Xviour Kuuya.
Apostle Murata reiterated the need for police officers to continue giving their time to God considering the nature of their work.
“There is a need for civil servants, including police officers, to remain under the grace of God,” said Apostle Murata.
“Being a civil servant means you are prepared to work for God, it is the same with Christians, we are all servants of God.
“Working for the people is God’s ministry and it is awkward to find a police officer who does not pay attention to God, give his or her time to worship God.
“I was impressed by a number of police officers, led by Commissioner Tembo meeting for prayers, let us continue this considering the nature of our and your duties,” said Apostle Murata.
Comm Tembo hailed Apostle Murata for providing the venue and food for guests.