Latwell Nyangu
THE widow of United Methodist Church leader, Reverend Oscar Mukahanana, is being hailed as a MODEL wife.
Emma Mukahanana was thrust into the spotlight after her husband killed himself rather than face the shame of his adulterous affair with an unknown member of the church.
The reverend’s conversation with his lover, shortly after having sex, triggered his tragic downfall after it leaked onto the church’s WhatsApp groups.
Emma chose not to condemn her late husband and praised him as a loving and caring husband who will be missed by the family he left behind.
“It is painful, thank you church for your trust in his leadership. Thank you Mukahanana family for giving me a husband.
“I will remember Oscar’s leadership, love and the nice clothes he used to buy me,” she told mourners.
And, this has charmed H-Metro readers who have described her as a “MODEL WIFE.”
Below are some of our readers’ responses:
What a big heart she has? I wish he had known his wife would stand by him like this, I am sure he would not have done what he did, so sad. — Privilege Privy.
She is a good woman. — Moses Gwekwe.
Very true, people are good at judging others . . . tese tiri vatadzi. — Evelyn Chitambara.
True worshipper. — Amai Kuti.
Ehe vanhu vanoda kuvatongesa ndivo vadii? Worega kuchema murume wako because of mujolo, ndiye atanga here? Be strong amai muchengete vana. — Anna Chipwanyira Makamure.
So sorry amai vedu. Be strong, zvichabatsirei nyangwe tikagumbukira baba. — Gui Mak.
Amen. We are all sinners Mfundisi munhu wo. — Shanaaz Shukran Khan.
Munoiwanepiko mwoyo minyoro yakadaro. — Ravy Maz.
She loved her husband. Asiri mutadzi ndiani. Mufundisi munhuwo, vanoti do as they say not as they do. Zvinoitika mu life. — Auxillia L Chiwanika.
Amen iyoyo hakuna mutsvene pasi pano inyaya yekungoti vabatwa chete. Zviriko izvi, RIP Reverend, and who are we to judge ende zivai kuti Satan aripabasa kudzikisira mweya yevazodziwa. — Stockie Muredzwa.
Zvinowanikwa izvi…the wife is a good woman. — Eventhough Chiwondegwa.
David wemubhaibheri akatadza wani, akaurayisa Uriah nekuda kutora mukadzi wa Uriah asi Mwari vakamuregerera vakamuda chaizvo. Mufundisi munhuwo, zvikaitika next time musazviuraye madzifundisi munotendeuka. — Jane Kaphuwa.
Nyaradzwai nashe mhamha. We will continue to remember him at his best. Hongu tinotadza asi chokwadi ndechekuti mukuru basa vaigona. — Judith Erengwi.
Regardless she’s a woman of honour, haana kufumuka like others by being silent. She’s protected her kids’ dignity, simple. — VaHungwe.
She is narrating her side of the relationship. Munoda kuti anyepe here? The husband cheated, but he did not mistreat her. — Rue.
A very good wife that one. — Nyasha Jacob Kwerekwende.
Madam avo ndakupai respect yangu, thank you dear. — Chikata Mheta.