H-Metro Reporter
A WOMAN accompanying Prophet Evidence Chari to court on Friday exploded into a fit of rage and violently attacked the H-Metro Reporter who was covering the prophet’s initial hearing at the Harare Magistrates Court.
The woman was only identified as Ropafadzo.
At the time of going to press, her true connection to the prophet could not be established and has become a source of speculation following the violent disturbances.
Some people say that she is an aide to the prophet while others have come with their own theories about their relationship.
The safest description is to call her an aide of Prophet Evidence Chari, who has found himself having to deal with the ugly fallout of his altercation with Prophetess Hadassah Caroline.
The complainant in the matter is Caroline Roberts who is also known as Prophetess Hadassah Caroline.
Allegations are that on January 12, at around 9pm at Kingstons House, Roberts had a misunderstanding with Chari over her car which he destroyed in an accident as he was driving it.
Chari allegedly went on to threaten Roberts by saying, “Ndokunyudza iwe nemhuri yenyu, do you know who I am, I am Evidence Chari handinhongwe mumastreets eZimbabwe zvekudaro.”
Chari allegedly invited his colleagues who further threatened Roberts.
On Friday, Chari arrived at the Harare Magistrates Courts and our reporter, Zvikomborero Parafini, started recording a video of his arrival.
This is standard journalistic practice when suspected criminals, especially the high profile ones, are brought to court.
Suddenly Ropafadzo confronted our reporter. She started demanding that our reporter deletes the footage of Chari which she had captured.
Ropafadzo caused a stir as she started shouting at the court entrance before dragging our reporter as she demanded that video be deleted.
After facing resistance from the reporter, who explained she was only doing her job and was not answerable to her, Ropafadzo turned to the police officers and asked them to arrest the reporter.
Instead the police intervened to stop her from attacking our journalist while other reporters also came to her aide.
An assault report was made at Harare Magistrates Courts police post.