Shingirirayi Mugodi in Leicester

 MUSICIAN and songwriter Selmor Mtukudzi belted her late father’s songs and sent fans into a frenzy at the Africa Music Festival on Saturday at the Nelson Mandela Park in Leicester, United Kingdom.

The grand musical event, which was staged a month after the Zimfest show, attracted Zimbabweans from all corners of these isles.

Selmor started her performance by singing some of Oliver Mtukudzi’s finest songs and this had the Tuku fans singing on top of their voices.

She provided a fitting back up to the sound with a fine and measured performance on the stage.

There was no questioning that the songs, and her performance, caught the imagination of the crowd.

She ended her performance by performing with her sister Sandra as they imitated some of their late father’s signature moves on stage.

Selmor has been struggling to really make the impression as to whether she can stand, on her own, or is someone who can only flourish if she digs deep into her father’s treasurer vault.

But, for those who believe in her, this was a beautiful performance.

The other artists who took part included Jah Prayzah, Mambo Dhuterere, Qonfused, Winky D and energy goddess Makhadzi.

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