Latwell Nyangu

A SHOW organiser was duped US$70 by someone who purported to be musician Michael ‘Michael Magz’ Magondo.

The imposter agreed to perform at Chalete Bar in Epworth but failed to show up without any notice.

The ‘singer’ had agreed to perform for 30 minutes for a fee of US$150.

He had been given a deposit of US$70.

Ironically, the imposter has the same first name as, Michael Maguramhinga, which made the organiser fall for the trap.

Magz told H-Metro he has never performed in Epworth.

“I have never been booked in Epworth. Hazvityise izvi, as long as ndisina kuoneka inini in person, mazita edu anoshandiswa zvakawanda.

“As long as it wasn’t me, hapana nyaya.

Iye anotorerei show nenumber dzemunhu waari kuziva kuti haasi Magz and the numbers which are not from my social media handles?” 

The imposter was not reachable for comment.

The facilitator of the deal, Tatenda Chigwida, popularly known as DJ Rider, confirmed the imposter has since blocked his number to avoid further communication.

“It was on Tuesday when I called this guy for booking. On Wednesday, he told me that he had a show in Kadoma and he couldn’t meet me on the same day.

“He then advised me to send a booking fee on his Ecocash number (078 521 2963) so that he would send me an endorsement video.

“We both agreed on US$150 for 30 minutes, after that we would provide food and transport in cash as a token of appreciation.

“I then sent him US$$70 as deposit, and the day came for him to perform his show at Chalete Night Club on June 9, as indicated on the poster.

“I called Michael checking ‘kuti bho here ukuuya nguvai’ and he told me that he would tell me when he got in town.”

DJ Rider added:

“After I waited for so long, I called him again at 00:30 and he was no longer answering my calls.

“I tried to call again before he blocked my calls and I used someone’s phone and, immediately after hearing my voice, he would cut me off.

“I wasn’t expecting this, I am disappointed.

“The very funny part of it is that his phone number is registered under the name Michael.”

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