THE was tension yesterday as some of Madzibaba Ishmael’s followers the Officer Commanding Norton District demanding to know why their children had been taken to hospital for medical examinations.

The children were collected at Madzibaba Ishmael’s compound in Nyabira and taken to Parirenyatwa for the medical examinations.

However, this did not go down well with some of Madzibaba Ishmael’s followers.

Madzibaba Ishmael, who is being accused of running a cult in which he subjected some of his followers to captivity, was arrested in a pre-dawn raid by police on Tuesday.

He is expected to appear in court today.

Six of his followers confronted the Officer Commanding Norton District yesterday after the children from the compound were taken for medical examinations.

“We followed to see where exactly you are taking our families,” said one of the followers.

“We do not want them to be injected with anything since it’s against our church doctrine.

“Furthermore, you are keeping them in the bus for a long time here at the hospital without food.”

Females police officers took turns in taking the women and children to the toilets at Parirenyatwa as they waited for medical examinations.

The children were later taken to Chinhoyi General Hospital for medical examinations after a lengthy wait for the process to be conducted at Parirenyatwa.

Madzibaba Ishmael followers do not believe in vaccinations. The women and children have been denied access to health facilities, education and access to information since they do not allow them to have radios or television sets.

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